What is an Organisation grant?

An Organisation grant, unlike some of our other individual grants, is a grant awarded to an organisation or, in some cases, a diocese, where multiple clergy households may benefit from the grant.

Such Organisation grants cannot be used to subsidise costs that are the responsibility of the diocese or national church institution (eg. the maintenance of vicarages, pastoral supervision, an addition to the stipend, staffing costs, etc).

Here are some examples of what we can consider in terms of an application.

Activity days

We can support organisations or dioceses that wish to provide specific activities to one of the following groups, with the aim of building networks and friendships:

  • clergy children
  • clergy families
  • divorced or separated spouses
  • widows/widowers

We would expect the applying organisation or diocese to provide a contribution towards overall costs. One such project we have supported is Family Max, an outdoor activity day for clergy families in the Diocese of Bath and Wells.

Care homes / sheltered housing

We are able to support care home or sheltered housing residents in Anglican clergy care homes; where multiple residents have been identified as being eligible applicants, and when there is evidence of a shortfall in funding from the local authority.

For individuals residing in independent care homes, who are able to evidence their clergy status and provide their shortfall in local authority funding, please apply separately for an individual grant, under Health.

Find out more

Please contact us for an initial chat if you are interested in applying for an Organisation grant.

Email our team

Retreat centres

Anglican clergy retreat centres, which support eligible applicants on a regular basis and provide therapeutic support, can be considered for a grant. We are unable to fund a retreat centre if the retreat does not have a therapeutic element.

We are able to support retreat centres if:

  • eligible applicants (serving and retired clergy, clergy children, spouses, former spouses or widows/widowers) attend the retreat
  • the retreat includes one or more of the following: counselling, psychotherapy, art therapy, CBT, coaching

We are unable to support running costs or capital projects, but we can consider a contribution towards retreat costs, or shortfalls.

Applications should include income generated from such retreats and from therapies per guest, alongside costs associated with running the retreat. This must be based on actual income and expenditure.

Group retreats

Serving clergy

We are unable to fund group retreats for serving clergy (eg. a Diocesan group booking). However, serving clergy, who meet our eligibility criteria and who are unable to fund their place on a planned Diocesan retreat can apply to us for a Wellbeing grant. This would constitute as that individual’s Wellbeing grant for that calendar year.

Clergy spouses, former spouses or widows/ers

We are able to consider a contribution towards group retreats where a specific group of either clergy spouses, or former spouses and widows/widowers want to spend time together.